> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Jonathan Paton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : samedi 4 décembre 2004 20:08
> À : Nilay Puri, Noida; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Objet : Re: Is try-catch a better method for handling errors ?
> Dear Nilay,
> I strongly recommend using exceptions (what you call "try-catch"),
> you need to do something more complicated upon failure.
> You can implement exceptions using eval, die and checking the return
> value of eval.  This is a rather ugly way to implement exceptions, but
> commonly used.  A better way is to use the Error module.
> perldoc Error
> Sidenote: Consider transactions if your DB supports them, depending on
> what you are doing.
> Jonathan Paton

I don't like the Error module, it's to verbose ...
(remind me the eternal java debat on: checked and unchecked exceptions).

Though this is just my humble opinion.

I'm using eval and never heard around me that it's ugly :)


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