>> I can usually figure out regexes, and this one seems simple, but it
>> still eludes me--
>> I'm looking for a regex (or a couple of regexes) to do the following:
>>     blahblah{ab,abcd}blah --> blahblah(ab|abcd)blah
>>     blahblah{a,b,c}blah  --> blahblah(a|b|c)blah
> Well, you can do
>    tr/{},/()|/
> I don't know if that's robust enough for what you're doing...

Probably not, since there may be commas elsewhere in the string.

>> If it's not obvious I'm trying to glob-select files like the tcsh
>> would. I've got the rest, this is the last part...
> Doesn't File::Glob have the ability to do this already?

Perhaps.  I'm dealing with many thousands of files on perl 5.4, which
doesn't handle globbing correctly on large numbers of files.  This script
has to be super-portable, meaning I can't guarantee that the destination
platform will have any modules installed (which I don't know how to do

- B

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