> I am attempting to use the Curses module for the first time, and
> really have no idea how to use it.  Every example I've been able to
> find uses a variety of different keywords, but I haven't been able to
> locate any documentation of the available routines.  If someone could
> help get me started, I'd appreciate it.

As mentioned, Curses is a wrapper for standard lib[n]curses. A google search
for "curses tutorial" turns up some candidates.

You need to call initwin() to "turn on" curses and endwin() to "turn off"
curses at the end of your program. There are other initialization things you
may or may not need to do, depending on the application.

Here's an initialization example from a program I have:

use Curses;


# initalize curses
initscr();              # init screen buffers
curs_set(0);            # turn off cursor
cbreak();               # canonical mode
noecho();               # no echo of input chars
eval { keypad(1) };     # allow keypad entry
END { endwin(); }

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