On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 23:29:21 -0500, Randy W. Sims
> RichT wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > its time again for me to hassle you, i have my script mostly working,
> > but iv have been bashing my head against a wall trying to fix the last
> > bits...
> >
> > its a script for extracting data from a file and exporting it to another.
> >
> > Problems:
> > 1) i keep getting the warning "Use of uninitialized value in numeric
> > eq (==) at ./scanDCI.pl line 122, <DCIFILE> line 28." but it should
> > never execute "./scanDCI.pl line 122" for <DCIFILE> line 28. as thats
> > the DE line...
> initialize C<$inElementSection>:
> my $inElementSection = 0;
> > 2) i get void as the 3rd value in the output
> > ["shelf-1-slot-12-port-1",155520000,void,] but that should be the same
> > as the 2nd value in this case.
> The variable C<%segmentFields> should be an array since it is being used
> as an array. This was fixed when I made that change.
thank you 
i was under the impresion that the values in an array were not stored
in the order you put them in,  but of course they are, it way more
hence the over complication. 

thank you again. 

and again.


> Also, note that in all cases found in your code, you should be using
> C<my> instead of C<our>.
> #!/bin/perl
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use Getopt::Long;
> Getopt::Long::config qw(no_ignore_case);
> my ( $inputFile, $outputAllFields, $searchKey, $outputFields );
> my @foundSegments;
> {
>      $outputFields = 'name,deviceSpeedIn,deviceSpeedOut';
>      my $needHelp;
>      GetOptions(         'dciInFile=s'          => \$inputFile,
>                          'findField=s'          => \$searchKey,
>                          'showFields=s'         => \$outputFields,
>                          'listAllFields'                => \$outputAllFields,
>                          'help|h|H|?|HELP'          => \$needHelp
>                );
>      die usage() if $needHelp;
> }
> ############################################################
> # Data collection
> #  using an input file
> #  else quit
> ############################################################
> if ($inputFile) {
>      findVars($inputFile);
> } else {
>      die usage();
> }
> ############################################################
> # Data output
> #        if request for keys print all keys
> #        else print results
> ############################################################
> if ($outputAllFields) {
>      foreach ( @foundSegments ) {
>          foreach (keys %$_) {
>              print "$_, ";
>          }
>          print "\n";
>      }
> } else {
>      foreach my $found (@foundSegments) {
>          foreach my $showKey (split /,/, $outputFields) {
>              print "$found->{$showKey},";
>          }
>          print "\n";
>      }
> }
> sub usage {
>      return <<USAGETEXT;
> usage: $0 -dciInFile filename
>   -dciInFile filename         is the dci file you want to scan
>                               the following options are also availble
>   [ -findField fieldName ]    this is the search key to be used (by
>                               default all elements will be returned)
>   [ -showFields field names ] feilds to output (default is
>                               name,deviceSpeedIn,deviceSpeedOut)
>   [ -listAllFields ]          list avalible fields
>   [ -help]                    this help text
> }
> sub findVars {
>      ############################################################
>      # find infomation form Concord's dci files
>      # usage:
>      #  findVars("key to search in","value to search for")
>      #
>      # output:
>      #  an aray of Hashes containing all matched segments and keys
>      ############################################################
>      my ($dciFile, %segment, @segmentFields);
>      my $inElementSection = 0;
>      # read in dci filename from parent
>      $dciFile=$_[0] || die qq( FindVars function: Missing dciInfile
> value $!);
>      chomp $dciFile;
>      open(DCIFILE, "<$dciFile") || die "FindVars function: can not open
> : $!";
>      foreach my $line (<DCIFILE>) {
>          chomp $line;
>          if ( $line =~ /^FN,Elements,/ ) {
>              $line =~ s/FN\,Elements\,//g;
>             @segmentFields = split(/\,/,$line);
>              next;
>          }
>          if ( $line =~ /^DS,,Elements,/ ) {
>              $inElementSection=1; next;
>          }                        #marks start of elements
>          if ( $line =~ /^DE/ ) {
>              $inElementSection=0; next;
>          }                        #marks end of elements
>          if ($inElementSection==1) {
>             my @segmentValues = split(/\,/,$line);
>             for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#segmentValues; $i++ ) {
>                 $segment{$segmentFields[$i]} = $segmentValues[$i];
>             }
>              push @foundSegments, \%segment;
>              next;
>          }
>      }
>      close DCIFILE;
>      return (@foundSegments); # return to main ruteen
> }

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