Chris Devers wrote:
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, James Taylor wrote:

Hi everyone, wondering if anyone knew how to pass an associative array via POST to mod_perl. Something like:

HTML forms don't really provide for complex data structures, so any solution is going to have to be cobbled together.

I think your best bet is to just have form elements with names like 'searchname', 'searchemail', etc, and just have code on the server to organize it into a hash:

  $search{name}  = $req->param('searchname');
  $search{email} = $req->param('searchemail');


Eh, score 1 for PHP then. The reason I can't specifically do what you're mentioning is that the field names being passed could be ANYTHING, as the code is for a module I'm writing. Anyway, I went ahead and just made it cheesy, instead of doing field[something], i made all of the input names "field=something", send the hash through a foreach loop - if the name of the field =~ /field/, i split on the = and ditch the first variable. Feh

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