On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 09:17:05AM -0500, Chris Devers wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Charles K. Clarkson wrote:
> >     Don't declare all your variables at the beginning
> > of the script. It works in other languages, but not
> > in perl. Declare them as you go.

I suppose that depends on your definition of "works".

> Out of curiosity, why this rule? 

Locality of reference.  

> When taking programming classes in college, it was drummed into us that 
> having a data dictionary at the top of a scope was a good habit, and 
> it's something that I've generally done with the Perl I've written. 
> Several people on this list have discouraged the habit. How come?
> I can see the logic in discouraging global variables, but predeclaring 
> variables at the top of a scope -- the beginning of a subroutines, and a 
> small handful in the main block -- still seems acceptable to me. Indeed, 
> waiting to declare until the variable is used is, to my thinking, kind 
> of defeating the point of using 'strict': if the declarations are 
> scattered all over the place, why bother being strict? 
> Perl is an eccentric language to be sure, but why over this? Anyone care 
> to explain? 
> Thanks :-)
> -- 
> Chris Devers
> -- 
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