On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 11:57:32 -0600, Chap Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2004, at 10:30 AM, Jay wrote:
> >  you can also use the cpan shell or perl -MCPAN
> > to get information on installed modules,
> Is there a command to the cpan interface will produce a list of all
> installed modules?
> Neither the 'h' command nor 'perldoc cpan' indicate anything, that I
> can see.
> perl 5.8.1
> cpan script version 1.03
> CPAN.pm version 1.76
> Chap

The short answer is no.

Check out recipe 12.22 from the Perl Cookbook, called "pmdesc".  It
should also be available for download from O'Reilly and other places. 
Also look into the CPANPLUS module from cpan.



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