I guess I'm really old, too (55 yrs); however, I actually saw a book (I didn't 
touch it though), "The Art of Assembly Language Programming" at Barnes & Noble 
this afternoon.  Hopefully, I've forgotten everything that I've ever known 
about 370 Macro Assembler.  . . .And it is true that to get around in (any) 
assembly language, you're going to "goto" and "jump", etc.

Still, I insist that if you're programming ANY HLL, use structured code.  
Perform subroutines "while", "until", "do while", use "case" constructs to 
simplify otherwise deeply nested "if-then-else" conditionals. Unfortunately, 
Perl does not support a true case operation, as does C or JavaScript, et al., 
but you can fake it.

Ron W.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Charles K. Clarkson 
  To: 'Perl Beginners List' 
  Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2005 1:34 AM
  Subject: RE: Is GOTO evil?

  Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  (RE:  Charles K. Clarkson's comment)
  : In [brief] defense of GOTO, for some programming it is
  : essential. Assembly language programming, for example.
      Programming in assembler, huh. You're either a
  computer science student, very curious, or really old. :)

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