> Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested:
>> This will split up the string based on the pattern (in this
>> case, a single space. You may want to change that to gain
>> robustness, e.g. /[ \t]+/ will split on any number of spaces and tabs)
> I suggest /\s+/ instead. This splits on any whitespace,
> and it'll also remove trailing whitespace like those
> pesky trailing \n:

And further, use split(' ',$numbers), which is a special case that splits on
all whitespace, ignoring initial whitespace.  Just a bare "split" does that
by default.

Try this:

perl -e '$_ = "    1 2 3 4 5  "; print "method 1:  ", join(",",split /\s+/),
"\n", "method 2: ", join(",",split), "\n";'

- B

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