> I am new to perl, I receive some spam email with subject like "st0ck,
> 0pportunities, gr0wth...", how can I match those words with number "0" in

Something like

use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

# add to this hash to make it slower
my %rep = (
  'a' => [4],
  'e' => [3],
  'i' => [1, '!'],
  'o' => [0],
# etc
my @words = qw/stock opportunities growth/;
# this generates regular expressions
# you can use elsewhere
for my $word (@words) {
  $word =~ s/$_/'(?:'. join('|', @{$rep{$_}},$_) .')'/gei 
    for keys %rep;

print Dumper([EMAIL PROTECTED]);

This will be very slow, though.


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