You can use grep.

my %hash = (ONE => 1, TWO => 0, THREE => 1);

if (grep {! $hash{$_}} keys %hash) {
print "false\n";
else {
print "true\n";

Prints 'false'.

Guess it would be helpful to explain how grep works here. From the perlfunc man page:
Evaluates the BLOCK or EXPR for each element of LIST (locally setting $_ to each element) and returns the list value consisting of those elements for which the expression evaluated to true. In scalar context, returns the number of times the expression was true.

In the code above, ! $hash{$_} evals to true when $hash{TWO} is evaluated, so grep, being in scalar context, would return 1, the number of elements in %hash which evaluated to 'true '.If all values were 'true', (1's), then grep would return 0 since !$hash{$_} would be false for every element in that case.


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