On Tue, 8 Feb 2005, Chris Schults wrote:

> > This is really a question for the CGI list, but whatever.
> Sorry, didn't realize there was one. Thanks for the heads up!

I'm not trying to be dismissive; just pointing out that there's a 
similar list that more specifically covers this topic. But a lot of the 
same people are on both lists, so it's not the end of the world.
> > Have you looked in the web server logs? Are you recording referer data? 
> > If not, you should be, it's useful in cases like this. If you're 
> > recording it, you should be able to verify or refute the claims. 
> Yes, our web logs are recording referrer data, but I wouldn't know 
> what to look for. I'll ask the CGI list.

If you're using Apache's combined log format, individual entries in the 
log should show both the requested page as well as the referer, along 
with data like the requester's IP address. All you need to do is look up 
hits for the URL in question and see if the referer field looks right. 

A typical entry might look something like this: - - [08/Feb/2005:13:07:53 -0500] "GET /path/to/page.cgi 
HTTP/1.1" 200 18818 "http://www.grist.com/"; "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; 
Windows NT 5.1)"

So if you're digging for data on the command line of a Unixy system, you 
might get at the data in question with a statement something like...

  $ grep '/path/to/page.cgi' /apache/log/access_log

And you can whittle it down with something like this

  $ grep '/path/to/page.cgi' /apache/log/access_log | \
  > sed 's#^.*HTTP/1.." [0-9]* [0-9]* "\(.*\)".*#\1#'

Which should return a list of the referers recorded. Or you can 
manipulate that in various ways, depending on what you want to see.

Chris Devers

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