Larsen, Errin M HMMA/IT wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've got a command (if you're familiar with EMC and PowerPath, you'll
> recognize the output) that outputs a long list of information like
> this: 
>   # powermt display dev=all
>   Pseudo name=emcpower0a
>   Symmetrix ID=000187720658
>   Logical device ID=00AD
>   state=alive; policy=SymmOpt; priority=0; queued-IOs=0
> ========================================================================
> ======
>   ---------------- Host ---------------   - Stor -   -- I/O Path -  --
> Stats ---
>   ### HW Path                 I/O Paths    Interf.   Mode    State
> Q-IOs Errors
> ========================================================================
> ======
> c5t50060482CC18F487d109s0 FA  8aA
> active  alive      0      0
> c6t50060482CC18F497d109s0 FA  8bA
> active  alive      0      0
> c7t50060482CC18F488d109s0 FA  9aA
> active  alive      0      0
> c8t50060482CC18F498d109s0 FA  9bA
> active  alive      0      0
> That's the output from ONE device, there are sometimes hundreds of
> these.  What I'd like to do is transform this   into the following:
>   emcpower0a -> c5t50060482CC18F487d109
>   emcpower0a -> c6t50060482CC18F497d109
>   emcpower0a -> c7t50060482CC18F487d109
>   emcpower0a -> c8t50060482CC18F497d109
> I wrote some code to attempt this, but I'm way off ... I know there's
> a way to do this, it's just eluding me.  The code I was trying out is
> below.  I wouldn't run it, it fails miserably:
>   #!/usr/bin/perl
>   use warnings;
>   use strict;
>   my @powerout = `powermt display dev=all`;
>   my $name = 'NoHit';
>   my @device;
>   foreach( @powerout ) {
        I think you were close, just change the code around:

        if ( @device ) {        # have some items to report
         print "$name = $_\n" foreach( @device );
         $name = undef;
         @device = undef;
           $name = 'NoHit';  # lets you know you missed the device name
        # now you print if you have
Sorry, but dont have access to powermt, should be close, I think.
Wags ;)
>       $name = $1 if /Pseudo name.*(emc.*)$/;
>       push @device, $1 if /(c\dt.+)s\d/;
>     }
>   }
> Thanks ahead-of-time for any help!
> --Errin

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