mike wrote:
> I have the following code
> $cat1;
> if ($cat1){
> my $cat1="%$category%";

The "my" here is scoped to this if { } block, so you aren't changing the
outer $cat1

> }
> else {
> $cat1="$category";
> }
> $row=$dbh->prepare("SELECT
> contact_id,first_name,last_name,organisation FROM tb_contacts  WHERE
> (organisation ILIKE ? OR last_name ILIKE ?) OR contact_id = ?");
> $cat1;
> print $cat1;
> $row->bind_param(1,$cat1);
> $row->bind_param(2,$cat1);
> $row->bind_param(3,$cat1);

Why are you binding $cat1 to param 3 (contact_id)?

> $row->execute();
> this fails with
>  DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer:
> "ford" at /home/www/cgi-bin/con_role_add_sel2_org.pl line 33.,
> referer: http://localhost/cgi-bin/con_role_add_sel1.pl

I'm guessing that contact_id is a numeric column?

Set DBI->trace(2) before the call to execute and you can see exactly what's
being passed to the backend.

> It only fails if I have both the name and int WHERE Criteria - in psql
> it works fine

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