I am very new to Perl - a few days.  I am running Windows XP.  I
and installed ActivePerl to c:\perl.  I also downloaded www::mechanize
to make
my life easier to access web pages.  I wrote a perl program to access
http://www.tab.co.nz (via mechanize) which works fine but when I use
the same code to
access a secure page such as
https://www.ebetonline.co.nz/odds/20050212WAIK1 I
get the message 'LWP will support https URLs if the Crypt::SSLeay
module is

I downloaded and put into c:\per\bin ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll but
didn't help.

I then downloaded and attempted to install OpenSSL(v9.7) into

first and then subsequently to c:\perl but I still get the same error
message when
accessing the secure page.

How do I install/compile something to allow me to access secure pages?

I don't mind starting from scratch un-installing everything and

With ActiveState, you use their "ppm" tool to install modules. You can find Crypt::SSLeay at
ppm install http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppms/Crypt-SSLeay.ppd

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