Hi All,


The code below does what I want to do, but it takes 3 lines and a temporary
array (yuck).

It does? Could you please explain what exactly you want to do? Just going by your subject line, this will work (assuming $_ contains the data.)


I can't come up with a one line regex substitution.  Anyone
got one?

my $tmp = reverse split //, $_;
$tmp =~ s/-//;
$_ = reverse split //, $tmp;

There is no temporary array there but there is a list created by split() however reverse() works just fine with scalars so:

my $tmp = reverse split //, $_;


my $tmp = reverse $_;

Do the same thing but in the second one reverse does not have a list to concatenate. In some cases reversing a string to do a substitution is more efficient but that depends on your data.

And of course (TMTOWTDI) you can accomplish the same thing without using regular expressions:

# note: using the global variable $a as a temp
substr $_, $a, 1, '' if ( $a = rindex $_, '-' ) >= 0;

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