Larsen, Errin M HMMA/IT wrote:
>> Larsen, Errin M HMMA/IT wrote:
>>> Hi Perl-Crunchers,
>>>   I've got the following code:
>>> push @ARGV, @logs;
>>> while( <> ) {
>>>     print "$filename:\n$_" if( /with errors/ );
>>> }
>>> Of course, my problem is that I'm not filling in $filename in that
>>> print statement with a value.  I'd really like to be able to put the
>>> name of the file the diamond ('<>') operator is currently parsing in
>>> there.  Is that possible?  Do I have access to the individual
>>> filenames AS they are being used in the while statement?
>>> Thanks ahead of time,
>>> --Errin
>>      I believe that $ARGV[0] has the file being processed.
>> So I think you could do something like:
>>      if ( $. == 1 ) {  # on the first read of the current file
>>         print "Filename: " . $ARGV[0] . "\n";
>>        }
>> Wags ;)
> Hi again,
>   So, the <> operator shift()s the filenames off the top of @ARGV?
> That's usefull knowledge.
>   On a side note, out of curiosity, can I manipulate the @ARGV array
> inside the while loop?  Or will that cause "unexpected behaviour"?
> --Errin
        As they say, ALL things are possbile ( in Perl ), but one would want to 
be careful, though you can change, delete and splice @ARGV like any other array.

Wags ;)

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