-----Original Message-----
From:   Harold Castro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Mon 2/21/2005 9:42 AM
To:     beginners@perl.org
Subject:        Perl waits for while to finish before printing if on the same 
line,why?(countdown prog)
  I'm new to perl and i'm trying to create a simple
program that will act like a time bomb but will print
a dot(something like a progress bar every second until
the specified time arrives. Here's my code.

my $countdown = 5;
while ($countdown > 0){
print "\.";
sleep 1;
print "Kaboom!!"

And the result..
after waiting for 5 seconds, it displayed this line at


Why does this happens with a while loop? I told it to
print a single dot every 1 second. Do you know another
way of making my progress bar program that display a
single dot every one second on the same line until it
reaches a given time?

Thank you!

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Hi Harold,
if you set $| to some postive value, it will work.
add one line to your script.
$| = 1;
my $countdown = 5;
while ($countdown > 0){
print "\.";
sleep 1;
print "Kaboom!!"

The problem is with buffers. Though I am not very clear whats happening 
internally, I can say setting $| to some positive value will at the beginning 
of script will solve the problem. It flushes the buffer after every print.

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