ok, per the instructions, binmode only converts CR LF to \n, which is
not what i'm looking for.

here is a condensed version of the script:



use ASI::WebDB;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Net::Telnet ();

my $login = "";
my $securid = "";

print "UID: ";
chomp($login = <>);
ReadMode noecho;
print "SECURID: ";
chomp($securid = <>);
ReadMode restore;

$t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 10);


print "\nlogging in to system";

sub login_system
        my ($prematch, $match) = $t->waitfor(String => "login:", Errmode => 
        print "$prematch $match\n\n";
        print "\nchanging \"escape\" character";
        print "\n";
        ($prematch, $match) = $t->waitfor(String => "telnet", Errmode => 
        print "$prematch $match\n\n";
        print "\nback in telnet";
        print "\n";
        $t->print("set escape ^[");
        $t->waitfor(String => "escape character is '^['.");
        $t->print ("");
        $t->waitfor(String => "login:", Errmode => 'return');
        print "\nEntering stoak account login";

        $t->waitfor(String => "PASSCODE:", Errmode => 'return');
        print "\nEntering SECURID PASSCODE";


i get "pattern match timed-out at ./script-name line 102" which is

$t->waitfor(String => "escape character is '^['.");

so escaping back to the normal telnet prompt to change the escape
character doesn't work.  a normal telnet "escape" character is ^] ...
i need to know how to change that from ^] to ^[ (or ^A or whatever)
within net::telnet

again, tia for any help

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