I've been learning C++ using cygwin on my Windows PC
and thought it would be handy to have a Perl script
that automated features of g++.  The script takes one
to two invocation arguments:

./cedit somefile.C++
./cedit somefile.C++ outputfile

cedit runs g++.  After the file is compiled,etc., any
error messages are stored in a text file called
"caught_error".  cedit then opens caught_error, reads
its contents, and displays the contents to the user. 
I did this so I could cut and paste error messages
from the file using a text editor.  cedit then asks
the user if s/he would like to launch vi.  If the user
selects "yes", s/he is given the option of entering a
line number.  After entering the line number, vi
starts up and opens somefile.C++ and caught_error.  In
somefile.C++, the cursor should be at the line
designated by the user.  If the user did not designate
a line, vi would just start and open the two files.

#!/bin/perl -w
use strict;

sub choose_vi {
    print "Use vi?\n";
    print "Y/y for yes.  Any other key quits: ";
    chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>);
    if ($answer =~ /^[yY]$/) {
        print "Enter line number? (Y for yes):";
        chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>);
        print "\n";
        if ($answer =~ /^[yY]$/) {
            print "Enter line number: ";
            chomp(my $line_number = <STDIN>);       
            system "vi", "+".$line_number, $ARGV[0],
        } else {
            system "vi", $ARGV[0], "caught_errors";
    } else {
        print "Goodbye!\n";

sub read_ce {
   print "Errrors:\n";  
   open CAUGHT, "caught_errors" or die "Can't open
file: $!";
   my @lines= readline(CAUGHT);
   my $number_lines = scalar @lines;
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $number_lines; $i++) {
       print $lines[$i];
   close CAUGHT;

my $number_of_args = @ARGV; 

open STDERR, ">./caught_errors" or die "Can't create
caught_errors: $!";

if ($number_of_args == 0) {
    print "Not enough arguments!\n";
    print "Usage: ./cedit somefile.C++\n";
    print "Usage (optional): ./cedit somefile.C++
} elsif ($number_of_args == 1) {
    system "g++", $ARGV[0];
} elsif ($number_of_args == 2) {
    system "g++", $ARGV[0], "-o", $ARGV[1];
} else {
    print "Too many arguments!\n";
    print "Usage: ./cedit somefile.C++\n";
    print "Usage (optional): ./cedit somefile.C++

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