Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:

I have a simple script that reads a hashDB file into a tied hash.
When I do a Dumper , I get the hash values , but when I pring a value nothing is printed ... what am I doing wrong here ?

-------------------------------------------- use DB_File; use strict; use Data::Dumper;

my %hash;
my $DATAFILE = "sample.db";
tie %hash,  'DB_File', $DATAFILE, O_RDONLY , 0666 , $DB_HASH;
print Dumper([\%hash]);
print "VALUE for a is '" . $hash{a}."' \n";


OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------------- $VAR1 = [ { 'b' => '2', 'a' => '1', 'c' => '3' } ]; VALUE for a is '' ---------------------------------------------------------

Thanks Ram

Ok I got it , I must install the DBM filters for it

I put
$X->filter_fetch_key  ( sub { s/\0$//    } ) ;
$X->filter_store_key  ( sub { $_ .= "\0" } ) ;
$X->filter_fetch_value( sub { s/\0$//    } ) ;
$X->filter_store_value( sub { $_ .= "\0" } ) ;

Now things are working fine

Bye Ram

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