Bret Goodfellow wrote:
> The File::Find::name didn't seem to make any difference.  I still have
> to be in the directory that I want to search. Hmmm.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wagner, David --- Senior Programmer Analyst --- WGO
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 3:13 PM
> To: Bret Goodfellow;
> Subject: RE: Why am I getting data from Current Directory?
> Bret Goodfellow wrote:
>> I am writing a script to list out a directory's contents, showing the
>> number of days since modified.  The problem I am having is that the
>> script doesn't list out the "modified time" unless I change to the
>> directory being listed.  If I change to the directory I want to list,
>> then all works okay.  Is there a way to fix this script so that I
>> don't have to run the script from the current directory?
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> use File::find;
>> use File::stat;
>> my $arg_length;
>> my $arg_lastchar;
>> my $arg_string;
>> my $Len;
>> $arg_length = length($ARGV[0]);
>> $arg_lastchar = substr($ARGV[0], $arg_length-1, 1); $arg_string =
>> $ARGV[0]; 
>> print "Argument: $arg_string\n";
>> print "length: $arg_length\n";
>> print "last character: $arg_lastchar\n";
>> print "Contents of $arg_string\n";
>> opendir DH, $arg_string or die "Couldn't open directory: $arg_string
>> $!"; 
>> ######################################################################
>> ## #
>> # Read one file at a time into $_
>> #
> ########################################################################
>> #
>> while ($_ = readdir(DH)) {
>>  next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq "..";
>>  next if -d $_ ;
>> #####################################
>> # append upto 30 blanks after the file name #
>> #####################################
>>  print $_, " " x (30-length($_));
>>  print " age of file: ";  # age of file
>>  $Len = index(-M $_, ".");
>       Change the $_ to $File::Find::name ( Fully qualified name of
> file ) Is in the doc. Wags ;)
>>  print substr(-M $_, 1, $Len-1);
>>  print "\n";

        It should. I ran a simliar script and had something like:
        printf "%-30s: %5d\n", $File::Find::name, int(-M $File::Find::name);

printed out the integer dates.  As john K stated, you are working too hard and 
it can be generated as one line and I would just use printf and it's 
capabilities to line for you. For printing, you could use $- which has the 
filename and for testing then the $File::Find::name has the full path and 

Wags ;)
>> }
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