>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Rabbitson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> Is there a quick way to initialize a number of variables at once? 
Peter> like 

Peter> my ($var1, $var2, $var3);

Peter> but instead of having undef in all of them, let's say I want to have 1 
Peter> each. Any takers?

First, I generally don't declare a lot of variables at the beginning
of my program.  I introduce them into the smallest scope where they
make sense.  Globals Are Evil.  Haven't you heard? :)

Second, if I do have three variables to declare, I do them with
separate statements, so I can also COMMENT them.  You *do* comment
your variables, right?

my $rate = 23; # how fast are we going, initially
my $age = 43; # getting old!


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