Mike Lesser <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: For example, if I have a string that goes like
:    "Joe Shmoe (alphanumerics)"
: and I want to get the alphanumerics between the parens, It's like
: pulling teeth, I think (i think..) what I want to do is match the
: stuff that's _not_ between the: parens, and substitute that to
: nothing? Is that how to do it?

    Start with the starting character and capture the interior by
matching everything except the closing character.

use strict;
use warnings;

my $phrase = 'Joe Shmoe (alphanumerics)';

print $1 if $phrase =~

    \(          # Start with the starting character.

    (           # Start the capture.

        [^)]+       # Capture everything in a class which
                    #   excludes the closing character.

    )           # Close the capture.



Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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