On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 13:43:14 -0800, John W. Krahn wrote:
> > Ah, but there is an important difference - in all the cases I wrote,
> > the characters following the '@' sign could not be a legal variable
> > name,
> $ perl -le' @) = qw/ a b c d /; print for @) '

Educational thread, this :-)

> perldoc perlop
> [snip]
>       Quote and Quote-like Operators
> [snip]
>       Interpolating an array or slice interpolates the elements in order,
>       separated by the value of $", so is equivalent to interpolating "join 
> $",
>       @array".    "Punctuation" arrays such as "@+" are only interpolated if
>       the name is enclosed in braces "@{+}".

Ah, *now* I see why both my code and yours work - in my case, the
"variables" were not interpolated according to the rule you just
quoted. In your code:
$ perl -le' @) = qw/ a b c d /; print for @) '
There is no interpolation going on, so '@)' is treated as a variable name. 
Quick reality check for myself:
$ perl -le' @a = qw/ a b c d /; print for "@a"'
a b c d
$ perl -le' @) = qw/ a b c d /; print for "@)"'

Now all is well :-)
But now I'm confused - if you knew of the above rule, why take me to
task for not escaping the '@' sign in my code?

Offer Kaye

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