From: John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 31, 2005, 7:42:03 PM
Subject: apache log parsing

  Thursday, March 31, 2005, 7:42:03 PM, you wrote:

  > Am Donnerstag, 31. März 2005 15.36 schrieb John:
> [...]

> Hi John

>> I found the a module Apache::Regexp can parse apache logs
>> but i am afraid it cannot output statistics just does what
>> i am trying to do subsrt the datetime, hosts, etc.

> There exist some apps to make statistics from apache logs,
> e.g. awstats (, analog, Webalizer and more.

> But don't know which one is the best, sorry.

> joe

Well, i am already using awstats which is one of the best scripts, but
i also want to count hits for my users and output the statistics to a
html file in user's dir.

I don't think that a script like awstats would do that, so
i have to write my own script to do the job.

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