Michael Gale wrote:
> ...
> m|output:DISK (\w+) \[(\d+) kB \((\d+)%\) free on (\S+)\]| and do { 
>   my $status   = $1;
>   my $kb_free  = $2;
>   my $pct_free = $3;
>   my $mount    = $4;
>   push @s, [ $mount, [ blockpct, GAUGE, $pct_free ] ];
> };
> I do not understand the "and do" option.

"do" here turns a block into an expression. The "and" causes the RHS to be
evaluated if the LHS is true. In otherwords, if the m|| match succeeds,
evaluate the stuff in the do {} block. This notation is legal, but a bit
unusual. The equivalent, and more common construct would be:

 if (m|output:DISK (\w+) \[(\d+) kB \((\d+)%\) free on (\S+)\]|) { 
   my $status   = $1;
   my $kb_free  = $2;
   my $pct_free = $3;
   my $mount    = $4;
   push @s, [ $mount, [ blockpct, GAUGE, $pct_free ] ];

The important thing for both formats is to always test whether the pattern
match succeeds before attempting to use $1, $2, etc.

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