Harold Castro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm parsing a log file that contains this format:
> 1112677214 31388202 181264589
> 1112677214 8843 59460 8843 59460
> 1112676919 10728 59045 10728 59045
> 1112676900 10617 59006 10728 59045
> 1112676600 8693 58389 9531 59661
> These logs are in unix timestamp format:
> I'm trying to convert the first column into scalar localtime.

Why not do it the simple way:

while( <FILE> ){
  s/^(\d+)/scalar localtime( $1 )/e;

or even simpler on the command line:

perl -pne 's/^(\d+)/scalar localtime( $1 )/e'


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