On 05/04/2005, Joel Divekar wrote:

> I am using Activestate Perl Ver 5.8.4 under Windows 2k
> and due to firewall I am not able to install packages
> using ppm / ppm3. 

Open your ActivePerl HTML documentation and locate PPM in the
"ActivePerl Components" section of the TOC.
Scroll down to the "PPM, Proxies and Firewalls" paragraph. It's
explained there:

    NOTE: If none of the changes in this document work for you, you may

    download individual packages from here [ActivePerl 801 and later]
    here [ActivePerl 613 and later] or here [ActivePerl 522 and
    and install them according to the directions in the README file 
    contained within the ZIP file. If you want, you can also keep a 
    local repository, with several .ppd files in a permanent repository 
    directory, and their .tar.gz files in an x86 directory beneath that.


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