M. Kristall wrote:
John W. Krahn wrote:

open INPUT, '<', 'record.txt' or die "Error, can't open 'record.txt' $!";

while ( <INPUT> ) {
    next unless /^\?/;
    print "$1\n" if /<([^>]+)>/;

close INPUT;

We want some line numbers (and I like parens):

As long as you realise that putting a space between the operator name and the left parenthesis may trigger a warning when warnings are enabled. (And you DO have warnings enabled, don't you?)

$ perl -le'use warnings; print( 1,2,3,4,5 )'
$ perl -le'use warnings; print ( 1,2,3,4,5 )'
print (...) interpreted as function at -e line 1.

Also, using parentheses on the left hand side of an assignment forces list context on the right hand side of the assignment.

my ($line) = 1;
open (FILE, '<record.txt') or die ("Blah blah: $!");
while (<FILE>) {
    next unless m/^\?/;
    print ($line++, ": $1\n") if m/<(.*)>/;
    # Is there any reason for this not to be greedy?
close (FILE);

use Perl;

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