On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Keith Worthington wrote:

> Any help would be appreciated.

Write a program.

Use the DBI module for the database programming.

Get the DBD::Pg plugin to DBI for the PostgreSQL driver.

Get this stuff from CPAN if it isn't on your system already.

Break the problem down into simpler steps if you need to.

>From the *nix command line, read over `perldoc DBI` for the basics, or 
get a copy of a book like _Programming the Perl DBI_ for details.

This list isn't a script writing service; while we are very happy to 
help new learners, you have to at least take a stab at reading over the 
documentation and writing your own code. Please show what you've tried 
so far and indicate what you're getting stuck on, and we can help you 
take it from there.

Chris Devers

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