N. Ganesh Babu wrote:
Dear All


I want to do capitalisation of this text. I am using the following code. It works fine with all other lines.

$line="Level A (Grade 1 reading level)";

   @words=split(/ /,$line);
   print "$words[$i]\n";

This code is showing the following error: The main reason I understood is the presence of ( and ) in the text.

perl test.pl
Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/( <-- HERE (Grade)/ at test.pl line 6.

Compilation exited abnormally with code 255 at Mon Apr 18 15:22:33

Please help me in this regard to solve this problem.

What you want is something like:

my $line = 'Level A (Grade 1 reading level)';

$line =~ s/([[:alpha:]]+)/\u\L$1/g;

John -- use Perl; program fulfillment

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