Hi All,

I am still slugging it out.  Many thanks to those that have helped me thus
far. :-)

Having written the following code I am now troubled by v_feet_str or
v_inch_str being undefined.  If there is no match can I return a default
value?  In my case if there is no dimension then I want to move ahead using a
zero in that position.

         ($v_dim1_str, $v_dim2_str) = split(/\s*x\s*/i, $v_size_str);
#        Now split dimension one into feet and inch parts.
         #my ($v_feet_str, $v_inch_str) = split(/(?:'|")/, $v_dim1_str);
         $v_dim1_str =~ /\s*([\d\.\s\-\/]+)\s*'\s*([\d\.\s\-\/]+)\s*"/;
         my ($v_feet_str, $v_inch_str) = ($1, $2);
         print "Dimension 1\n";
         print "   Feet:    $v_feet_str\n";
         print "   Inches:  $v_inch_str\n";

Kind Regards,

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