Olivier, Wim W wrote:
> Hi Bob,

Hi. Don't top-post please.

> If 
> I comment out this if statement, I don't get the error anymore.  An
> clues as 
> to the correct syntax???
> I run the subroutine as follows:
> if ($conf{'pnl_check_for_analytics_email'} =~ 'ON')
>    { notify_email -r [EMAIL PROTECTED] -r
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s "Subject line" -b "Message body" };

You need to pass your arguments as a proper list, with commas and quotes:

    notify_email('-r', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
        '-r', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 
        '-s', 'Subject Line',
        '-b', 'Message Body');

You can omit the parens if notify_email has been declared above this code,
but I dont' recommend it.

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