On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 10:56:16AM -0500, JupiterHost.Net wrote:
> Peter Rabbitson wrote:
> >Hello everyone, 
> Hello,
> >Very simple: I need to generate a file and upload it to ftp. Currently I 
> >am wrapping the file together, writing it out to a temp file on disk, 
> >calling $ftp->put($tmp_file) on it, and unlinking it. Is there a way to 
> >skip the write to disk? The put() method seems to expect a path only, 
> >rather than 
> You'd use stor/write/close:
>  my $stor = $ftp->stor($new_file_on_ftp_server);
>  $stor->write($new_file_guts, length($new_file_guts));
>  $stor->close();
> See `perldoc Net::FTP` for more info
> HTH :)
> Lee.M - JupiterHost.Net

Errrr... This looks a little complicated. I mean I would have to get size of 
the string in question and the data is utf8, meaning more headaches. Or I 
simply don't know how to do it which leads to the same result :)

Nevertheless I somehow overlooked the part in the documentation where it 
says that put() takes a filehandle as well:

open (VIRTUAL, '<:utf8', \$data);
$ftp->put (\*VIRTUAL, $conf->{target_tsv}) or die 'Could not upload file'
close (VIRTUAL);

Works like a charm.



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