Charles K. Clarkson wrote:

>Daniel Kasak <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>: I have a large script ( 6000 lines ) that I'd like to break into
>: logical units. Is there a way I can tell perl to 'append' a list
>: of files into 1 script so that I can call subs from any of the
>: files and have them treated as if they were all from the same
>: script ( ie all my variables will be visible )?
>    If I understand you correctly, yes, but what would be the
>point? 6000 lines distributed over several files which, when
>called, are combined back into a 6000 line script doesn't really
>do anything. The result is the same: a 6000 line script.
Managability. I can put all related stuff in 1 file. Then I'll have main
application logic in one main file, and other subs in other files. It
reduces clutter. Yes I realise that what I'm asking for would have no
difference to the Perl interpreter ... that's the point.

>    Better to use modules or objects. You might start by reading
>the perl docs: 'perlmod' and 'perlmodstyle' are good places to
And yes I know about modules / objects. I've made a couple of OS modules
myself. What I want here is part-way to a module. My main issue is that
I want of all my variables to be visible without having to pass them in
to each sub. There are a lot of variables and a lot of subs.

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
NUS Consulting Group
Level 5, 77 Pacific Highway
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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