
        I did create a new hash containing the machines and the day value,
sorted it and used that sorted hash in my loop to print everything out.

Please let me know if there is a better way.


Michael Gale wrote:

    I have created a multi-referenced hash /array doing the following:

my $total;
my $machine;
my $serverdata;

start of loop ....

$serverdata->{$machine}->{day} = $total;
$serverdata->{$machine}->{hour} = $total / 24;

...end of loop

I have a loop that gets the data for each machine and stores it.

Now I want to print out the data but I would like to have it sorted by the value in day.

How would I go about doing this ?

I was doing something like:
foreach my $key (sort %hash{$a} <=> $hash{$b} (keys (%hash))) {
    blah blah blah

But I don't think I can use the same method because machine is all ways different ?



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