Hello List.

Found the problem:

foreach my $record (@{dataFileHash{$datafile}}) {

Should have been:

foreach my $record (@{$dataFileHash{$datafile}}) {

Sorry ! I stared at this for like an hour and didn't notice the missing $....

Can anyone tell me what the Argument "NH_DATA01" isn't numeric in helem at 
./nhsDiffSchema.pl line 236. error means though? It would be nice to know what 
a helem is in the future :)
> Date: 2005/04/25 Mon PM 07:29:29 GMT
> To: <beginners@perl.org>
> Subject: 'Bad index while coercing array into hash' error
> Greetings
> I am getting the following error when running a script using an anonymous 
> array of hashes:
> Bad index while coercing array into hash at ./nhsDiffSchema.pl line 240
> Here is the code snipt that both assigns values to the array of hashes and 
> the code which displays the values back (where the error is coming from) :
> * I have a scalar named $dataFiles that contains info similar to the 
> following:
> export/spiderman1/ora_data_1/oradata/EHEALTH/SYSTEM01.dbf                     
>                                              SYSTEM                           
>           250                                  160.61                         
> 89.39              1                         89.39                            
>      35.76 YES
> Here is the code:
>       my @dataFilesInfo=split /\n/,$dataFiles;
>       foreach my $datafile (@dataFilesInfo) {
>               next if $datafile =~ m/^$/;
>               my @attributes=split /\s+/,$datafile;
>               push @{$dataFileHash{$attributes[0]}},{
>                       tableSpace => "$attributes[1]",
>                       allocMB => "$attributes[2]",
>                       usedMB => "$attributes[3]",
>                       freeMB => "$attributes[4]",
>               numFrags => "$attributes[5]",
>                       maxFrag => "$attributes[6]",
>                       percentFree => "$attributes[7]",
>                       autoExtend => "$attributes[8]"
>               };
>       }
> oreach my $datafile (sort keys %dataFileHash) {
>               print "datafile : $datafile\n";
>               foreach my $record (@{dataFileHash{$datafile}}) {
>                       print "\tTablespace: $record->{tableSpace}\n";
>                       print "\tMB Allocated: $record->{allocMB}\n";
>                       print "\tMB Used: $record->{usedMB}\n";
>                       print "\tMB Free: $record->{freeMB}\n";
>                       print "\tNumber Frags: $record->{numFrags}\n";
>                       print "\tMax Frag: $record->{maxFrag}\n";
>                       print "\t% Free: $record->{percentFree}\n";
>                       print "\tAuto Extend: $record->{autoExtend}\n";
>               };
>       }
> The error is coming from line 236, which is:
> print "\tTablespace: $record->{tableSpace}\n";
> If I comment out that line, the error then goes to 237. So, it would seem I 
> am accessing the values incorrectley some how but I can't seem to figure it 
> out.

> I have used the Data::Dumper module to dump the contents of the array of 
> hashes and it seems to be populated as I thought:
> $VAR1 = '/export/spiderman1/ora_data_1/oradata/EHEALTH/SYSTEM01.dbf';
> $VAR2 = [
>           {
>             'usedMB' => '160.61',
>             'autoExtend' => 'YES',
>             'freeMB' => '89.39',
>             'allocMB' => 250,
>             'percentFree' => '35.76',
>             'numFrags' => 1,
>             'tableSpace' => 'SYSTEM',
>             'maxFrag' => '89.39'
>           }
>         ];
> $VAR3 = '/export/spiderman1/ora_data_1/oradata/EHEALTH/NH_INDEX01.dbf';
> $VAR4 = [
>           {
>             'usedMB' => '394.52',
>             'autoExtend' => 'YES',
>             'freeMB' => '86.48',
>             'allocMB' => 481,
>             'percentFree' => '17.98',
>             'numFrags' => 40,
>             'tableSpace' => 'NH_INDEX',
>             'maxFrag' => '57.13'
>           }
>         ];
> .....
> I am utterly confused as I have similar code that works correctley:
> my @tableInfo=split /\n/,$allTables;
>       foreach my $table (@tableInfo) {
>               my @attributes=split /\s+/,$table;
>               push @{$tables{$attributes[0]}},{
>                       table_space => "$attributes[1]",
>                       num_rows => "$attributes[2]"
>               };
>       }
> foreach my $table (sort keys %tables) {
>               print "table:$table\n";
>               foreach my $record (@{$tables{$table}}) {
>                       print "\tTablespace=$record->{table_space}\n";
>                       print "\tNumber of rows=$record->{num_rows}\n\n";
>               }
>       }
> I am using strict and when I enable warnings, I see the following message:
> Argument "NH_DATA01" isn't numeric in helem at ./nhsDiffSchema.pl line 236.
> I am not sure what that means and what 'helem' refers too.
> Help !!
> Thanks :)
> Jason
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