I have a piece of code that needs to open 31 excel spreadsheets, find
out the row count for each.  When it runs it gets about 10 files in
and crashes with an Out of memory error.

Here is an excerpt from the code:
my $oBook;
my $oWks;
my ($iR, $iC, $oWkS, $oWkC);
foreach $hashEntry ( @LOGS )

        my ( $localfile)        = $hashEntry->{name};
        my ( $err_msg )         = "";           # error message variable

        my $cmd                 = "";

        # Get row count of each file, to generate results file
       $oBook = new Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse($localfile);
       $oWkS = ${$oBook->{Worksheet}}[0];

       print "------ SHEET: ".$oWkS->{Name}. "\n";
       print "Row: ".$oWkS->{MinRow}." v ".$oWkS->{MaxRow}."\n";

Is there anything I can do to 'dump' the memory.  My initial feeling
is something in ParseExcel, or one of the dependencies isn't playing
nice...or rather I am not letting it play nice through some inaction
or action on my part.

Anyone have some ideas on dealing with this memory problem?


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