John W. Krahn [JWK], on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 at 17:29 (-0700) has
on mind:

JWK> "my @a;" creates the lexical variable @a at compile time and since it has 
JWK> been created it will be empty.  "my @a = ();" creates the variable during
JWK> compilation but the assignment (IIRC) has to be done at run time.  The end
JWK> result is the same but the assignment makes it a tiny bit slower (not 
JWK> to really worry about.)

yes, I thought same too, thanks for nice explanation. My habits say -
always use my @a = ( ); I also think it looks "better". One
(really beginners) could think "@a" will empty array, which is not

for $| I didn't know, $| = 1 is maybe more "perlish" and $|++ is more
AWKard. But that doesn't matter, good to know they _always_ produce
the same effect.


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