
the reg exp s <-+> ();
was changed to

                s{\w+} ();
to exclude the spaces and use y... thx
why are thre operators y or tr more efficient since these operators do not
use pattern matching?

Originally I was using an array, actually 2 arrays one with all f string s
and one with all % strings.
To me it makes more sense to use a hash b/c each F string needs to be
pulled with its associative n% string.
This is why I want to populate a hash of arrays.

Below is what is should of read for my population of the hash.

$HoA{$i++} = (split)[-1] if (m/f01(\d+)(\d+%) /gi );

I feel like I've been banging my head against a brick wall the last few days. I wonder if it will feel better if I stop. I think I will find out.

John -- use Perl; program fulfillment

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