
I have several locations with a hardware VPN device and
I've set them up to log to a central logging server.

Some of the managers of these facilities would like to
have a report showing who's using the VPN and when.

I've written a script that does that.  It works, but as
I'm pretty new at Perl (this is only my second real
life application) I'm sure it could be improved

Would some kind soul like to take a look at this
script, make suggestions or otherwise completely
destroy my ego?  :)

Thanks in advance to anyone who takes this up...

The script can be found at:


And some fake (sanitized) data to run it against (you'll
have to make changes to the script accordingly):

http://www.zeffert.com/fake_data (60k text file, some
gunk has been pre-filtered)

HINT: you can change $date in the script to get
more hits.

Thanks again,


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