-----Original Message-----
From: N. Ganesh Babu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 5/9/2005 10:27 AM
To: Perl Beginners List
Subject: seek(FH, 0,0) not working
Dear All,

In the attached file, the date is present in the last line. My 
requirement is to capture the date and fill it in the date field from 
the line 1. after capturing the date through regular expression I am 
using seek(FH,0,0) to goto the beginning of the file. But it has no effect.

My code is like this.

if($line=~m/Printed on Sat ([a-z]{3}\s*\d{1,2}\s*\d{4})/i)

But this code is not giving the required result. Please help me in 
solving this problem.


The substitution string is not proper. What you want to do? Just printing to 
STDOUT or writing to the file itself? If writing to file Have you opened the 
file for writing also?
If you dont need to process other lines of file, you should break from while 
loop and after that do a seek.

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