Hi Graeme

(I repost this email too to the list, this way somebody can correct me)

> Re: returning a hash from a method call ?
>  Datum: Heute 21.08:32
>  Von: "Graeme McLaren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey Joe, thank you for your reply, what you said all makes sense and I like 
> the idea  of setting all of the conf data during object creation.
> Could I simply put "$self->{conf}={table=>'blog',...};" in the constructor 
> before it is returned then use your sub?

...to access $self->{conf}, yes 
(another question is the interface of such a class)

>   sub get_users_table_and_columns{
>    return $_[0]->{conf};
>   }
> As nothing is being passed to the method "get_users_table_and_columns" would 
> the equivalent of $_[0] be exactly the same as my $self=shift; ?

Not exactly; $_[0] is the first element of @_ (the arguments passed to the 
method) without retrieving it from @_. 
This same first element is contained in $self after "$self=shift", shift 
retrieving the first element from @_. See 
perldoc -f shift

When calling a method of an object, like


$obj is passed implicitly to the method as first argument. Above call is 
similar to get_users_table_and_columns($obj).

> I think that way would be a good way of doing it as it provides some 
> indirection through an accessor/mutator function.

Yes, best access/change object attributes only by methods, not directly.

> The way I was thinking of doing it I wanted to have a sub that would return 
> a hash which I could then pass to another function to make use of the data.  
> Why would I only have one key of the hash printed out when I do:
> my $conf=configuration->new;
> die Dumper($conf->get_users_table_and_columns);

Don't know...

> Thanks again for your reply and advice you can give me would be great.  
> Here's the full module.

I'll try to comment this module in detail as it is, and provide a possible 

> Cheers,
> Graeme :)
> ################## start of module #########################
> #configuration.pm
> package configuration;
> use strict;

 use warnings; # additionaly

> sub new{
>     my $class=shift;
>     my $self={};
>     bless($self, $class);
>     return $self->conf;

A new() class method ("class method" because not an object, but a class name 
is passed als first argument) should return the created object, $self, not 
the configuration values:

 return $self; # instead of return $self->conf;

(You would call $self->conf after having an object:

 my $obj=configuration->new();  # create object
 my %conf=$obj->conf; # call object method

The two different %conf contents from below can be put into the object as 
object attributes: 

 sub new
  my $class=shift;
  # more params could be provided, e.g. for initializing the attributes
  my $self={
   host   => "host", 
    column1 =>'first_name',
   }, # etc.
  return bless $self, $class;

> }
> sub conf{
>     my $self=shift;
>     my %conf=(
>               host   => "host",
>                      db_name=>"db_name",
>               username=>"username",
>               password=>"password",
>               ## templates
>               registration_form => "/var/www/templates/registration.tmpl"
>     );
>     foreach my $k ( keys %conf ) {
>         $self->{$k} = $conf{$k};
>     }
>     return $self;

Here, you should return the configuration values, not the object. 

However, the question is if you don't want to provide the methods

 sub host { $_[0]->{host} };
 sub dbname # etc.
 sub username
 sub password
 sub registration_form
 # and, see below,
 sub tab_cols_config

instead of conf() and the following get_key().

> }
> sub get_key{
>   my $self = shift;
>   my $key  = shift;
>   return $self->{$key};
> }

This could be an alternative to the proposed 6 subs, but does, as implemented, 
not add much additional abstraction over the direct read access of the object 
attributes. At least, get_key() could test if a certain attribute exists and 
can be accessed:

 return exists ($self->{$key}) ? $self->{$key} : undef;

> sub get_users_table_and_columns{
>   my $self=shift;
>   my %conf=(
>             table=>'blog',
>             column1 =>'first_name',
>             column2 => 'last_name',
>             column3 => 'email',
>             column4 => 'password',
>             column5 => 'active'
>       );
>   return \%conf;
> }

 # returns hashref
 sub get_users_table_and_columns{

There are other possibilities like a separate class for the tab_cols_config 
data if there are many table configs...

> 1;

Maybe the class is a bit overkill, who knows :-)

> ################## End of Module ##########################

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