Jonathan Soons wrote:
> I am trying to lock out a batch of users. They are all in file
> "cleanup.txt". 
> All the users exist in "/etc/shadow". I have made a backup of
> "/etc/shadow" to play with. I cannot figure out why I cannot match
> users from the file with usernames in field 0 
> of "/etc/shadow.bak". I am writing to "newshadow" to be on the safe
> side. 
> If the line:
> if ($fields[0] eq $user)
> were ever true the script would be fine.
> Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
        Since you are reading in all the names at once and never doing a chomp 
on the users, you are more than likely having a carriage return as part of 
user. So $fields[0] will not equal $user.

        You might want to create a hash by user and then use the fields[0] as 
the key into the hash. Now you get the data on one action verese going through 
the array each time.   if ( exists $HashOfLockedOutUsers{$fields[0]} ) then you 
can do your *LK* othterwise std write.

        As a secondary note, if you replace your file9s) with some sample data 
as part of __DATA__, now I can run your script. As it is, I don't see what you 
have and have to guess.  You could do something like:

data for shadow

        you replace your open and @shadows with a read until endofdatashadow 
and you replace open and @user with a read until endof datanames.

        Now I can work your data and assist in real time.

        Just a thought.

Wags ;)

> #!/opt/csw/bin/perl
> open(SHADOW, "< /etc/shadow.bak");
> @shadows = <SHADOW>;
> open(NAMES, "< cleanup.txt");
> @users = <NAMES>;
> close(NAMES);
> close(SHADOW);
> open(NEWSHADOW, "> newshadow");
> LINE: foreach $line (@shadows)
>       {
>               @fields = split /:/, $line;
>               foreach $user (@users)
>               {
>                       if ($fields[0] eq $user)  #this is never true???
>                       {
>                               $fields[1] = '*LK*';
>                               $joined = join(":", @fields);
>                               print NEWSHADOW $joined;
>                               next LINE;
>                       }
>               }
>               $joined = join(":", @fields);
>               print NEWSHADOW $joined;
>       }
> close(NEWSHADOW);

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