Todd W wrote:
"Peter Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

On Thu, 12 May 2005 21:10:44 +0530, Madhur Kashyap wrote:

The chunk of perl code written below shows the way I have been using
the scalar referencing technique available in perl.

${$a."\t".$b}=0.598;  ### <<== Scalar Referencing
$x=tracename (1056.45,1076.56); ## returns X15565/X123/35
$y=tracename (234,34.89);  ## returns n245
${$x."\t".$y}+=0.63;   ### makes life very simple

For my application, the scalars held by $a and $b are actually some
net names. Typically, I will have, say around 300,000-400,000 such
names. Also, there is a physical quantity (floating number) which is a


I see no reason why you can't just use a hash lookup, which should be just
as fast.  I cannot tell from your code what property you are storing,
which is also a red flag.  Let's say that it is some interconnection cost:

my %cost;
$cost{"$x\t$y"} += 0.63;

See how more readable that is?

Or even simpler still, a multidemensional hash:

$cost{$x}{$y} += 0.63;

Or you could use the Perl4 style of multidimensional hash:

$cost{$x,$y} += 0.63;

(Hint: lookup the $; variable in perlvar.)

John -- use Perl; program fulfillment

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