Although you can do that, it seems like you didn't investigate why the line 
was present to begin with. I assume that it had some use initially. As 
Wiggins suggested, I would look at the source of the actual web page that is 
being submbitted.

Occasionally, I automate web page submissions via LWP. I find that if I use 
the Ethereal packet sniffer, I am able to recreate the entire submission 
without error. Sometimes I overlook a variable or parameter.

Ethereal is the best sniffer I have ever used and it's free:


"Clint Harshaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> Thanks Wiggins! That got me to thinking of things to try, so I commented
> line 274 in the script:
> # $mech->form_name( 'authForm' );

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