Hi, all,

I am a newbie for perl. I am learning perl for my biological data analysis. Now, I have a data look like this:

>I do not need-1
.....................(dots mean data here)
>I do not need -2
>What I need-1
>what I need-2
>>I do not need-3

Because there are more than 20,000 items of "what I need" in the source file. I need write a perl script to extract all the items of "what I need" and their data. That's means, I need produce a file contains all the following data:

>What I need-1
>what I need-2

My program is like this, I do not know how to get the data below the ">what I need-*". Can you kindly give me some suggestions?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $outfile = "test..res";
my $infile= "Source_data";
my @source;
my $line;

open INPUT, "$infile" or die "can not open $infile"; open OUTPUT, ">$outfile" or die "can not write $outfile"; @source = <INPUT>;

foreach $line(@source){
if ($line =~ /What I need/){
print OUTPUT "$line";

close INPUT;
close OUTPUT;

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