Hi Peter,

Thank you so much for your advice. I'll try to understand what you write and let you know the results!

Best wishes,


From: Peter Rabbitson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: beginners@perl.org
Subject: Re: Errors on processing 2GB XML file by using XML:Simple
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 09:31:15 -0500

On Mon, May 16, 2005 at 01:33:15PM +0000, Nan Jiang wrote:
> While I think <Topic/> and <ExternalPage/> are not randomly intermixed as
> <Topic/> nodes are generated in relevant categories such as <Arts/> ->
> <Arts/Movie> -> <Arts/Movie/Title> and then if the <Topic/> has <link/>
> children which means it is a final category, then <ExternalPage/> nodes
> appeared immediatly below the <Topic/> with the same order as <link/>.

The problem is that you completely misunderstood the idea of XMLtwig. You
parse as you go. Here is the code that gives somewhat similar to your
output. Don't get surprised by the ->simplify I use to deconstruct twigs - I
am just used to it and it is merely a matter of style. You can very well use
parent firstchild att and family. And remember - when working with XML::Twig
Data::Dumper takes a whole new meaning :)


use warnings;
use strict;
use XML::Twig;

my $xml = '<RDF>
<Topic r:id="Top">

<ExternalPage about="">

<Topic r:id="Top/Arts">

<Topic r:id="Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/1/10_Rillington_Place">
<link r:resource="http://www.britishhorrorfilms.co.uk/rillington.shtml"/>

<ExternalPage about="http://www.britishhorrorfilms.co.uk/rillington.shtml";>
<d:Title>British Horror Films: 10 Rillington Place</d:Title>
<d:Description>Review which looks at plot especially the shocking features
of it.</d:Description>

<d:Title>MMI Movie Review: 10 Rillington Place</d:Title>
<d:Description>Review includes plot, real life story behind the film and
realism in the film.</d:Description>

my %want_links;

my $parser = XML::Twig->new ( twig_handlers => { 'Topic' => \&_topic_handler,
'ExternalPage' => \&_links_handler },

$parser->parse($xml);   #parse XML data

exit 0;

sub _topic_handler {

    my ($twig, $child) = @_;
    my $topic = $child->simplify (forcearray => 1);

if ($topic->{link}) {
%want_links = map { $_->{'r:resource'}, $topic->{'r:id'} } @{$topic->{link}}; #generate hash 'link_name' => 'directory'
else {
%want_links = (); #reset the hash since we are working on a new topic (no more external links)


sub _links_handler {

    my ($twig, $child) = @_;
    my $ext_page = $child->simplify (forcearray => 1);

if ($want_links{$ext_page->{about}}) {
#chdir $want_links{$ext_page->{about}} #commented out since I don't have that dir
print join ("\n", $want_links{$ext_page->{about}},
print "\n\n";


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