In the following I was thinking it would just print out: "Hello"
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$S = "Hello, Perl!";
($R) = grep {/\w+/} $S;
grep() filters lists so if an element of the list on the right contains \w+ it will be passed through to the left but other elements will be filtered out. Since you are dealing with scalars you want something like:
my ( $R ) = $S =~ /(\w+)/;
my $R; $R = $1 if $S =~ /(\w+)/;
$S =~ /(\w+)/ and my $R = $1;
print "$R\n";
I am trying for some sort of inline filtering so I can do the following:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI qw/:standard/;
use strict;
my $page = grep {/\w{1,50}/i} param('page'); # only allow $page to contain 1-50 of [a-z0-9_]
my ( $page ) = param( 'page' ) =~ /(\w{1,50})/;
John -- use Perl; program fulfillment
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